Before Discussing learn more about this in advance about this business so that if there is something that does not want you can prevent it.
In this business really is not facebook that give us money just business people use facebook as a media for publication.
Honestly, now I know about business on facebook, there is a refferensi on this blog about how to make money on facebook, do not let me try searching aja curious to experience, it was not facebook that pays a commission because there we only link that we can referral when registering to use facebook account.
Actually a lot of business programs on facebook just that I'm sure based on his visitors and links there are 2 :
I. Aplication Program Bagi-bagi
The program you are required to answer questions on the application for the right to any questions arise you will be given a commission of 0.3 $ (30 dollars)
How to register :
1. Click Register
You will be under the main page for the application Bagi-Bagi but do not forget to activate your first faebook like the picture below :
In this business really is not facebook that give us money just business people use facebook as a media for publication.
Honestly, now I know about business on facebook, there is a refferensi on this blog about how to make money on facebook, do not let me try searching aja curious to experience, it was not facebook that pays a commission because there we only link that we can referral when registering to use facebook account.
Actually a lot of business programs on facebook just that I'm sure based on his visitors and links there are 2 :
The program you are required to answer questions on the application for the right to any questions arise you will be given a commission of 0.3 $ (30 dollars)
How to register :
1. Click Register
You will be under the main page for the application Bagi-Bagi but do not forget to activate your first faebook like the picture below :
2.To get your referral link referrals click menu cek Downline
3. Fill in your bank data with menus click my profile
4. you just answer the questions that were there to get the commission $ 0.3 each question
II. Aplication Program Easy Cash
These applications do you just refferal link from easy cash not more, for payment via paypal.
The application is very easy and comfortable to run because we do not need to seek referrals from outside facebook here we can use our friend who is on facebook to join the program.
to commission per sign up you will get $ 1.0 da refferal commission you will get 10% of your downline earnings,
How to register :
1. Click Register
you will be taken to the main page of easy cash like the picture below
3. Fill in your bank data with menus click my profile
4. you just answer the questions that were there to get the commission $ 0.3 each question
II. Aplication Program Easy Cash
These applications do you just refferal link from easy cash not more, for payment via paypal.
The application is very easy and comfortable to run because we do not need to seek referrals from outside facebook here we can use our friend who is on facebook to join the program.
to commission per sign up you will get $ 1.0 da refferal commission you will get 10% of your downline earnings,
How to register :
1. Click Register
you will be taken to the main page of easy cash like the picture below
2. To get a refferal link and invite your friends click menu Reffer friend
3. Post your link to my facebook more and more often your link was on facebook the more likely other people to click through your link you are good an important promotional.
4.. Fill your payout account to receive payments from the Easy cash click the Accounts menu, payment through paypal so you have to have a paypal account to receive payment of cash easy
5. For those of you who do not have paypal please register HERE For Explanation of paypal is described Click HERE
Good luck......
3. Post your link to my facebook more and more often your link was on facebook the more likely other people to click through your link you are good an important promotional.
4.. Fill your payout account to receive payments from the Easy cash click the Accounts menu, payment through paypal so you have to have a paypal account to receive payment of cash easy
5. For those of you who do not have paypal please register HERE For Explanation of paypal is described Click HERE
Good luck......
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